The Place To Chat
Chat Rules
Respect all staff and chatters on all channels/servers
Flooding/DDOS/Join-Flooding is prohibited
DO NOT impersonate staff member (Helping users is fine, don't identify as an official staff member)
Unauthorized Attempts To Use /Oper Command Will Result In A removal or ban after warning
Disrespecting Staff Will Not Be Tolerated, You Will Be Given A Warning Followed By Being Removed From The Site
Threats of any sort towards staff or chatters will result in a ban from our services
Inappropriate nick names/chat names/room names, are subject to removal, staff member may force change your name if they desire
DO NOT advertise other chat sites not partnered to ThePlaceToChat, KonnectChatIRC, Pulse Chat.
Have Fun Chat Nice
All Partnered Networks reserve the right to remove you from there services at there discretion you may appeal it by contacting a site admin in #help or email us at